Tips to Select your Child’s First Dentist

It’s very important to carefully decide on selecting a dentist who meets your requirements and expectations. This is because any wrong decision can make your child’s first dental experience painful, and it could be something that he could carry with him forever. Certainly, no parent would want their kids to be scared of dentists because sooner or later in their lives, they have to consult their dentists. As such, to make sure that your child will have a pleasant experience with the dentist, you must opt for the best orthodontist in Pune that you can completely trust. Personality, qualifications, compatibility and working principles are some of the vital factors that you need to look in for prior to choosing the best dentist in Pune for your child. Though, general dental practitioners can treat both adults and children, there are professionals who have expertise in pediatric dentistry.

Such experts are particularly trained on the care of children’s teeth. These professionals actually attend school for an additional two years to study orthodontics, child psychology and speech therapy along with prevent cMother and daughterare. Selecting the dentist in Pune Aundh that has undergone these additional two years can be extremely beneficial to your child. By opting for the best professional, you ensure that your child gets the best preventive oral care. In addition, it’s vital as well to select a dentist who has adequately worked with kids in the past. On the other hand, it’s also vital to select a dentist who is compatible with your family. This means that the dentist’s clinic should be close to your house. It’s also good if the waiting room in the clinic has coloring books and toys, so that it would make your child feel comfortable, particularly if you have brought him for root canal treatment in Pune, which can be quite troublesome for him.

Also, opting for the one, specializing in dental implants, who is conveniently located will make waiting time shorter and more pleasant. Accordingly, this will make your visit to the dentist regular. Lastly, you also need to consider the working principles of the pediatric dentist for your child. You must opt for a dentist who focuses on preventing cavities, educate your child on the technique of brushing and flossing properly.

Want to take sure that your teeth are well taken care of?

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Just taking care of the basics is often one of the biggest things you need to do to make sure your teeth remain good shape. brush twice a day, especially after meals, use a recommended mouthwash and just keep things in check and you wont be for away from doing all you can for your oral hygiene and care.

Make sure you visit your at least once a year, twice a year if recommended, because these professionals are your first insight into any problem that might be occuring with your mouth. they do not just keep your teeth in order ;they can also spot the early signs of mouth cancer and oral cancer, so a trip to the dentist can be so more than just a check up.

Although often housed in the same building or practice, a hygienist gives your mouth a really good clean up, which can help to get rid of all the nasty bacteria and decay that can build up over time.


Sugary drinks and sugary snacks are often one of the worst contributors to tooth decay, because too much sugar can leave lasting damage which can be avoided.
If you love fizzy drinks then try to go for the no sugar alternatives and if you drink a lot of tea and coffee.try it without your usual spoon of sugar.

Fruit and vegetables are good for you in many different aspects of life and your teeth and mouth are no different. try replacing some of your bad snacks with an apple or some carrots, which will not only benefit your overall lifestyle but also help your teeth avoid too much sugar.


Braces and Gumshields


It’s important that you protect your teeth and mouth by wearing a gumshield for contact sports. Here’s our advice on which gumshield is best for protecting your smile.

When do I need to wear a gumshield?

Wearing a gumshield, whether you are wearing a brace or not, is advisable for all activities where there is a reasonable chance of physical contact and essential for contact sports such as hockey.

What type of gumshield is best for me?

Gumshield can be custom-made (made specifically for you by fingerprinting your teeth), or bought without a prescription (this can be standard or moldable).We only recommend using the mouldable type, as the fit is usually much better.When there are both adult and milk teeth present in the mouth it is often not worth paying to have a custom-made gumshield, as it is only likely to fit well for a short period of time. We recommend Shock Doctor mouldable gumshields, which are available from good sports shops or on the internet.As soon as all of your adult teeth have come through,we recommend a custom-made gumshield, which will provide the best possible protection for your teeth and jaws.

What type of gumshield should I wear if I have braces?

When wearing a brace that can be removed you should take out your brace and wear a well-fitting gumshield whenever you take part in contact sports.When wearing a fixed brace That can not be removed you must have a gumshield that fits on the top of your Brace. You can purchase a gumshield from reception that is specifically designed to fit over a fixed brace.Alternatively, a custom-made gumshield can be made to fit over your fixed brace and allow tooth movement to occur. An imprint will need to be taken once your fixed brace has been fitted, and your gumshield will usually be ready for collection a week later.

For more information on how to keep your smile looking its best visit our website

Braces Treatment Specialist In Pune

braces treatment specialist in Pune

Traditional Metal Braces
Fraternity of traditional metals is the most common type of properties and they are more comfortable than ever. Made of high quality stainless steel, the metal braces straightened their teeth using metal brackets and archives. With metal braces, you have the option to add colorful elastics (rubber band) to a more unique and colorful smile.

Gold Braces
Gold braces are similar to conventional metal braces in many ways. They are made of stainless steel, but they are well-decorated in golden form. The golden coating can be considered as a more cosmic alternative with traditional metal braces. And, the weight of the gold arrow is a surprisingly comparable comparison to the most obvious braces.

Ceramic Braces
Ceramic braces are made of clean fiber and therefore look less on your teeth than metal braces. For this reason, the use of ceramic braces is mainly used on older adolescent and adult patients who have cosmetic care. Although they are not blind, they need to pay more attention to the cleanliness of the mouth because ceramic braces are bigger and they are more flimsy than metal counterparts. For these reasons, ceramic braces more commonly used on frontal presses than lower teeth.

Invisible (Clear) Orthodontic Appliances

Invisalign® uses a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners to straighten your teeth. And, no one can tell you are wearing Invisalign because it’s invisible! Not only are the aligners invisible, they are removable, so you can eat and drink what you want while in treatment, plus brushing and flossing are less of a hassle. The aligners are comfortable and have no metal to cause mouth abrasions during treatment

Do You Think a Beautiful Smile Happens Naturally? It Doesn’t.

The brush, the thread and the rinse are the oral hygiene, but it’s just the beginning. A marvelous mouth takes more than squeezing paste out of a tube – think about improving your tooth brushing technique, ditching the daily soda habit, and saying good-bye to cigarettes. Here are five ways to a fantastic smile from the team at Dr. pharande Dentistry.


Brush Twice a Day for two to three minutes with fluoridated toothpaste. Practice proper technique. Although you probably know you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, if you’re like most people, you don’t give much thought to how to do it. Hold the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, pointed toward the gum line, and use gentle, short, circular motions. Brush each tooth 10 to 15 times, but don’t overdo it. Overly aggressive brushing can damage teeth and erode your gum line.

Best Dentist In Pune
Floss Daily to remove plaque from places your toothbrush can’t reach. It’s simple: Flossing fosters healthier teeth and gums. But like brushing, there’s a right and wrong way because flaws in your flossing can cause friction and damage the gum line. Wrap about a foot of floss around your index fingers, keeping about two inches between your fingers to work with. Use clean sections of floss as you move from tooth to tooth, and keep the floss tight against the tooth to break up plaque while leaving your gums in good shape.

Eat a healthy diet to provide the necessary nutrients to prevent gum disease. The best way to keep your mouth healthy is by eating a healthy diet. Be sure to include nutritious foods that offer vitamins A through E for healthy gums. In addition, eat crunchy fruits and vegetables to help clean your teeth. Even eating pineapple can lessen stains on teeth. Cut back on sugar which is a major culprit in tooth decay. It fuels bacteria and acidity in your mouth, causing plaque to form and eat away at your enamel and gums. Your pearly whites are hit with up to 20 minutes of acid production for every sugar fest you indulge in, from sweetened coffee in the morning to ice cream at night. To avoid being among the 20% of people in the India who face tooth decay every time they look in the mirror, try to cut down on sugary treats.

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Avoid Tobacco Use, which may contribute to gum disease and oral cancer. You’ve heard it before: Quit smoking. But this time, it’s your dentist talking. The nicotine and tar in cigarettes not only turn your teeth an unsightly shade of yellow, they eat away at your gums. Smoking creates the right atmosphere for bacteria and plaque on your teeth and on the gum. That harms tissue, degrades the bone that supports teeth, and, eventually, increases your risk of tooth loss. Even worse, tobacco chemicals can lead to oral cancer.

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Regular Dental Checkups are the surest way to detect early signs of periodontal disease. If you’re prone to ditching the dentist, you’re among the roughly 50% of adults in the India who don’t see a dentist yearly because of dental phobia, finances, or just plain neglect. But spend some quality time with your dentist (twice a year, the Indian Dental Association advises), and you’ll catch problems at an early stage when they’re treatable, not to mention more affordable to take care of. Seeing a dentist regularly helps to keep your mouth in top shape and allows your dentist to watch for developments that may point to other health issues. The dental exam can also detect malnutrition, hygiene, growth problems, development and improper jaw alignment. Provide your dentist with personal dental care with full medical history and inform him of any recent health developments, even if they seem unrelated to your oral health.


Smile Designing In Pune


To develop your ideal smile, consider your facial look, skin tone, hair color, tooth (color, width, length, shape and tooth loss), gum tissue and lips. Smile makeover is done for a variety of reasons and is customized based on your unique ideas.

What do you like or dislike about your smile or your dentist? Your cosmetic dentist will review some aspects of your smile with you, and it can be improved with laughable mood.

The color of the scarf:  The silver or amber dental filler can be replaced with natural, tooth-colored composite reinforces, and tooth painting can improve the color of slotted or knit teeth. Pig colors and shading are important considerations during the evaluation and preparation of various procedures, including porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, composite bonding and dental implants.

When thinking of the color of your teeth, keep in mind that dark or discolored teeth may indicate the mouth of the elderly. The brightly-shaped smile of white and white teeth gives a young look. The care of your dentist dentist and carefully chosen shadow for the pores, and hair and hair cases are evaluated according to special consideration. Cosmetics dentists are skilled at finding the right balance for a brighter, funnel laughing and a natural denture.

Alignment and Distribution:  It is possible to have deformity, tooth whiteness, or to have interval between them and be straight-line when necessary with orangatticic or inflexible and improved with a vanserver.

Missing teeth:  One or more missing teeth can have a negative effect on your smile – so increase the risk of tooth decay by affecting your bites – this can be an integral part of oral health and facial anesthetics. Dental implants, bridges, or partial dentures can be changed by changing teeth.

Goodwill and Balance:  Uniform, chapatti and clandestine teeth can be easily binding for improved look and a greasy smile can be restored to help improve the overall appearance of laughter.

Fuller lip, smile and cheeks:  An impossible or old face can be improved or rebuilt, with some procedures in the smile toyovare category, including Ocean Dontics and / or Oral Maxillofacial Surgery.

A cosmetic dentist will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan designed to achieve exactly what you want from your makeover. This treatment plan may include many cosmetic and functional restoration processes, potentially tooth whitening, composite bonding, vanere, dental crown, orthodontics (braces), oral maxilophasial surgery and a smooth smile.

Smile Makeover is a Treatment to correct your smile. Get the best smile design in Pune & change the way your smile looks.

Orthodontics Treatment

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What is orthodontics ?

Orthodontics or Braces is the science in dentistry that deals with the straightening of crooked teeth. It treats any type of malocclusion that can damage the structure, function and the appearance of teeth and jaws.

What causes misaligned teeth?

Malocclusion or crooked teeth can be an inherited condition, meaning it may be passed from one generation to other.

Malocclusion is also caused because of the issues with the size and shape of the jaw or teeth. One of the common causes of crooked teeth is too much or too little space in the jaw. If a child has small jaw, the teeth may grow in crooked or crowded manner. If the jaw is too big and there is much space in the jaw, the teeth may have gaps in between or drift out of place.

There are few other habits or conditions that may change the shape and structure of the jaw. These include:

  • Use of a pacifier
  • Prolonged bottle feeding
  • Thumb Sucking
  • Injuries resulting misalignment of the jaw
  • Tumors in the mouth or jaw
  • Poor dental care i.e. improper fitting of crowns, or braces

One should get a check-up done for a child at the age of 6-8 years to ensure that his/her teeth will erupt in the desired manner.There are many simple techniques that can be used to avoid crooked teeth if corrective measures are taken in early stages. This is known as preventive orthodontics.

Age group between 10 -14 is ideal to get teeth straightened, as the Best Orthodontics in Pune can take advantage of the growing age to solve many complex problems.

Choosing your brace’s colours

       Braces treatment specialist

One of the best things about DR. Pharande,s orthodontic treatment is that you have the option to customise the colour of your braces – so you can make them stand out or blend in depending on your mood.

Your brace consists of small metal brackets, which are attached to your teeth for the duration of your treatment. These brackets are moved using a thin wire, which is held in place using tiny elastic bands, also known as ligatures.

These bands come in an array of different and exciting colours – from subtle ‘clear’ and ‘pearl’ to statement colours such as ‘fire red’ and ‘bubble gum’. You can even choose to combine two different colours for a bespoke look and maximum impact!

Colour choices


Every time we adjust your brace – approximately every 6–8 weeks – your orthodontist or therapist will change your elastic bands, giving you the opportunity to change your colour scheme.

Some patients prefer to keep things inconspicuous and opt for ‘clear’, ‘pearl’ or ‘tooth’ coloured bands, while others unleash their creativity. Just remember that you’ll be wearing your chosen colours for around two months, so choose wisely.

Do light colours stain?

While lighter colours such as ’white’ and ‘clear’ are less obtrusive they can be more prone to staining, for example following a curry. So if you’re a fan of colourful foods you may want to choose something slightly darker. ‘Grey’ or ‘silver’ can be good choices if you’d like something discreet and stain proof as they’ll blend in well with your metal brackets.

Some patients also choose to avoid colours that may be mistaken for bits of food – for example green. Yellow is also relatively unpopular for obvious reasons!

Our advice: have some fun and get creative! Don’t let your braces hold you back or stop you showing off a confident smile.


Braces treatment specialist

What are Braces?

Braces are the traditional type of orthodontic dental appliance for straightening your teeth and improving your bite. Braces are actually a combination of brackets and wires that work together to straighten your teeth and align your bite. Your orthodontist adheres the brackets to your teeth and then feeds a special type of wire through each bracket. Over time, the tension in the wire shifts your teeth into the proper position. As your teeth move, the wires are adjusted or “tightened” during your follow-up appointments to keep a constant pressure on your teeth.

Are Braces Right for Me?

Our experienced orthodontists may recommend braces to correct your poor bite. While braces are most often used for treatment during childhood or the teenage years, more adults are receiving orthodontic braces to correct problems with their bites. Some of the most common oral health issues that may require braces are the following:

Crowded, misaligned, or crooked teeth
Relatively large spaces or gaps between your teeth
An overbite or underbite
A bite that is open or closed

During your consultation appointment, your orthodontist examines your teeth to determine if you have any of these conditions that may benefit from orthodontic braces.

Types of Braces
metal braces

Ceramic Braces


Best Dentist In Pune

Dr. Pharande’s Orthodontic & Dental Clinic is a state-of-the-art multi-speciality dental clinic dedicated to Quality Dentistry – Creating Healthy & Beautiful Smiles! Located in Aundh, Pune, and Baramati, we are committed to delivering the highest standard of Dental and Orthodontic care. We combine highly personalized treatment with the most advanced techniques, offering our patients the best possible dental care.

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Best dentist in Pune

Dr Amol Pharnde is the Best dentist in Pune. At Dr. Pharande’s Orthodontic & Dental Clinic We provide all kinds of Dental Treatments :

1.Root Canal Treatment

2.Dental Implants

3.Restorative Dentistry

4.Cosmetic Dentistry

5.Periodontal Treatment

6.Geriatric Dentistry

7.Ortodontic Treatment

8.Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery

Dr Amol Pharnde is the Best Cosmetic dentist in aundh.

How to Take Care of Dental Implants?


Oral hygiene is essential to the longevity of dental implants. Special attention should be given to oral hygiene after surgery. Dr Pharande’s Orthodontic & Dental Clinic is the best Dental Implant Center in Pune.

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Follow these tips to keep your dental implants for long:

Regular brushing
Patients should brush their teeth at least twice a day. This will ensure that the growth of bacteria is prevented and your teeth stay ahead of tooth decay and other oral diseases .
over 1000 bacteria and viruses found in the mouth. Electric brushes have been shown to clean more thoroughly at once and take less time. This is one of the most profound changes I’ve seen in implants.

Every day flossing
Flossing should be a part of your daily oral hygiene. Dental floss removes food debris between teeth and implants. This prevents the growth of harmful bacteria and analyzed the development of tooth decay and gum disease. A water pik water can be a suitable replacement flosser if your hygienist recommends it.

Regular dental appointments
It is important that the implants are reviewed regularly. Regular dental exams to ensure that your dentist knows how your implants are developing and gives you coaching on how to avoid more serious problems. It also helps to solve problems and treat them early.

Professional cleaning
Teeth regular cleaning by a professional is also important for teeth and gum health. Make sure your teeth are professionally cleaned four times a year the first year after placement of the implant. I recommend quarterly cleaning intervals first to help you establish habits that keep the soft tissue healthy. After that, your hygienists should be your best resource to know how often you need to clean your teeth. This varies considerably between patients and also ensures complete cleaning of the teeth and gums and prevents the development of gum disease.

Dr Pharande’s Orthodontic & Dental Clinic is the best Dental Implant Center in Pune and Smile designing in pune.

Dental Implant Center in Pune,
Smile designing in pune.